The process configurator allows you to define multiple configurations of the same production process in space and time. This add-on gives access to five features , which will be further detailed below.
- Unit Operations are groups of equipment involved in the same process.
- Process Steps are a sub-part of an unit operation. Each unit operation is made of one or several process steps. Process steps may have sub-steps with secondary equipment.
- Primary equipment : main equipment of the product process to represent
- Secondary equipment : other equipment needed for mandatory sub-steps
- Process Setups are spatial configurations of a process step or an unit operation.
- Equipment Ghosts are the representation of all spatial configurations and equipment geography across the process setups
- Process Timeline is a gantt chart view of all the processes created, including units, steps and setups.
- Process Overview is a chronological frieze that dynamically displays all the elements of the processes created according to the moment chosen to be represented
How to create Unit Operations
An Unit Operation is a group of equipment involved in the same part of a process. Using this feature allows to create a group of equipment representing a process flow between them. There are two ways to create process units: Create an unit operation from the menu or create an unit operation from a multiple selection of equipment
Creating an unit operation from scratch
- Click on the process configurator icon to access to add-on menu
- Bottom of the add-on main menu, select “New unit operation”
- Define a name, a color and a start date for creating the new unit operation
- Back to the main menu, click on the unit operation name to enter its menu and start defining the process steps, (see the paragraph Creating process steps, lower down)

Creating an unit operation from a multiple selection of equipment
- Click on the process configurator icon to access to add-on main menu
- From the digital twin make a group of equipment, make it following their order into the process to represent.
- A group of equipment is done with a multiple selection, do a double left-clic to select the first one and then press and hold Ctrl (from keyboard) with a double left-clic to select the second and so on
- Then back to the add-on main menu to select “New unit operation from selection” and when asked define a name, a color and a start date for finalizing the new unit operation creation
- Back to the main menu, click on the unit operation name to enter its menu and start defining the process steps, (see the paragraph Creating process steps, lower down
By using this method, process steps are automatically created.

How to create Process Steps
Unit operations are made of several process steps. They are representing their different sub-parts, where each process step is made up of one primary piece of equipment and represent the product flow. it’s also possible to add secondary equipment, representing mandatory sub-steps for the product flow. There are two ways to create process steps: Creating a process unit from scratch or Creating a process step from a multiple selection of equipment.
Creating a process unit from scratch, when no process steps are in an unit operation.
- Click on the process configurator icon to access to add-on main menu
- Click on the unit operation to configure with steps
- Bottom of the unit operation menu, select “New Step”
- Define a process step name, duration, operators and description and click “Save”
- Select a piece of equipment from your process, and click on “Set as primary” to assign it to the step
Creating a process step from a multiple selection of equipment, Process steps are automatically created when creating an unit operation with the Creating an unit operation from a multiple selection method (see paragraphe more above). They are placed following the order of selection when creating a group of equipment.
However it’s always possible to add new process steps:
- Select an equipment
- And click on “Create step from selection”.
- If a multiple selection is done, the first selected equipment will be automatically set as the primary equipment (see just below what is primary and secondary equipment).
Add sub-steps when secondary equipment that are involved in the process:
From the primary equipment to the secondary equipment
- Access the process step menu
- Select the primary equipment, with a double left-clic
- Select the secondary equipment by pressing and holding Ctrl (from keyboard) and do a double left-clic
- Click on “Create flow between equipment” on the process step
From the secondary equipment to the primary equipment
- Access the process step menu
- Select the secondary equipment , with a double left-clic
- Select the primary equipment by by pressing and holding Ctrl (from keyboard) and do a double left-clic
- Click on “Create flow between equipment” on the process step

- Access the process unit you would like to add these steps in, by clicking on it
- Select the first piece of equipment
- Select the central piece of equipment by pressing Cntrl and double-clicking on it
- Click on “Create flow between equipment”
- Repeat the operation with a second piece of equipment and the same central one.
- Select the second piece of equipment
- Select the central piece of equipment by pressing Cntrl and double-clicking on it
- On the same step as the previous one, click on “Create flow between equipment”

How to Create Process Setups
Process Setups are spatial configurations of the same production process. This feature allows you to take into consideration the different positions of a piece of equipment within the same production process. You may create them when editing the steps of a process unit. To create a new process setup, click on the “+’ icon next to “Initial Setup”. A new setup will be created. To make changes in that setup, click on the case indicating “1” – meaning the first setup. Once inside the first setup, you can make changes that will only be applicable to this setup. You can always add and edit more setups by clicking on the “+” icons that appear when you place your cursor on a setup case in the toolbar. To delete a setup, select a setup in the toolbar and click on the X inside it.
How to Show Equipment Ghosts
When you change the position of a piece of equipment across different setups, you will create ghosts of that piece of equipment. Ghosts represent the position of a piece of equipment in other setups. It allows you to see how certain equipment move along the duration of your production process. To turn on ghost visualization, toggle on “Show ghosts” in the right menu. This will simulate the changes in configurations of your production process across the different process setups. Try toggling on the ghost feature and switching from one process setup to another in order to see the differences in configurations and spot equipment ghosts.
How to Access the Timeline
The timeline gives you access to a schedule of all your defined process units, steps and setups. Follow these steps to access the timeline:
- Click on the [Icon] icon to access the process configurator add-on
- On the top right of the add-on, click on “Timeline” to access the timeline feature
You can now access your process timeline and edit some information directly from it: Define setups in time You can define the duration of every setup directly from the timeline by adjusting the length of your setups. Just click on the edge of the setup in the timeline, and drag it until the desired timing. Adjust process unit start date By sliding process units along the timeline, you will edit their start date and time. After dragging a process unit along the timeline, you will see the start date in the process configurator has been automatically changed. Linking process units to each other You can link process units together to represent the consecutive aspect of your units.
- Place your cursor on the end of a process unit
- Long click on the “+” symbol and drag it onto the start of another process unit
- Your link will appear from the end of a process to the start of another
Note: You can access a more compact version of the timeline, that will provide a snapshot of your production process (process unit and setup) at that specific point in time. To access it:
- Select “Timeline” next to “Setups” in the toolbar on the bottom of your screen.
- Drag the timeline to reach a certain point in time
- Click on the timeline
- You can now visualize the process unit and the setup that are defined to that specific point in time.
How to Access a Product Agenda
The Product Agenda gives you the details of when, where a product is used during your process.
Follow these steps to access the agenda :
- Select the product you want then click on the info panel
- Click on the agenda icon
You can see the process units and steps it is involved in. To access more details, click on the title of the process unit, or the process steps. The Process Configurator panel will then be opened at the selected part of the process.